Map Ranking


Tribe name:nullify
Number of members:4
Points of the best 30 players16.112
Total points:16.112
Average points:4.028
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.078.773 (64.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
coopsjr 1 13,182 526 5
Majsan 2 2,099 911 1
gibbomd1 3 831 1144 1
rron7pam 4 0 1758 0
nulify is a newly founded international English-speaking tribe.

We are primarily looking for active and experienced players to join the tribe, but we welcome all players.

At this time, all players may join the tribe.

If you are interested in joining Nulify, then please request to join!