Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 12.942.803 (87.)
Tribe: AD

Villages (528) Coordinates Points
92 is half of 99
514|622 11.321
92 is half of 99
513|622 10.971
92 is half of 99
514|623 10.971
92 is half of 99
515|622 10.971
92 is half of 99
513|626 10.971
92 is half of 99
514|624 10.971
92 is half of 99
508|627 10.971
92 is half of 99
518|627 9.286
92 is half of 99
515|626 10.971
92 is half of 99
521|625 10.971
92 is half of 99
504|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|624 10.806
92 is half of 99
518|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
517|629 10.971
92 is half of 99
515|625 10.971
92 is half of 99
507|627 10.971
92 is half of 99
521|629 10.971
92 is half of 99
508|628 9.574
92 is half of 99
505|627 10.971
92 is half of 99
523|629 10.971
92 is half of 99
505|629 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|626 10.971
92 is half of 99
523|630 10.971
92 is half of 99
506|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|630 10.971
92 is half of 99
511|632 10.971
92 is half of 99
519|629 10.971
92 is half of 99
521|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
503|631 10.971
92 is half of 99
507|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
517|628 10.971
92 is half of 99
511|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
519|631 10.971
92 is half of 99
518|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
509|632 10.971
92 is half of 99
520|632 10.971
92 is half of 99
515|632 10.971
92 is half of 99
523|631 10.971
92 is half of 99
518|631 10.971
92 is half of 99
519|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
512|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
514|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
513|635 10.971
92 is half of 99
520|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|631 10.971
92 is half of 99
511|634 10.971
92 is half of 99
504|637 10.971
92 is half of 99
510|635 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|634 10.971
92 is half of 99
513|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
513|636 10.971
92 is half of 99
513|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
508|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
518|632 8.711
92 is half of 99
517|635 10.971
92 is half of 99
514|635 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|637 10.971
92 is half of 99
518|634 10.971
92 is half of 99
517|633 10.971
92 is half of 99
562|624 11.130
92 is half of 99
511|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
521|634 10.971
92 is half of 99
516|636 10.971
92 is half of 99
520|635 10.971
92 is half of 99
512|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
509|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
510|639 10.971
92 is half of 99
515|636 10.971
92 is half of 99
512|641 10.971
92 is half of 99
509|637 10.971
92 is half of 99
508|637 10.971
92 is half of 99
503|643 11.550
92 is half of 99
522|636 10.971
92 is half of 99
598|603 10.971
92 is half of 99
502|640 10.971
92 is half of 99
595|606 11.321
92 is half of 99
502|643 10.365
92 is half of 99
598|604 10.971
92 is half of 99
515|638 10.971
92 is half of 99
522|637 10.097
92 is half of 99
597|607 12.154
92 is half of 99
513|640 10.971
92 is half of 99
514|640 10.971
92 is half of 99
597|608 10.971
92 is half of 99
502|641 10.971
92 is half of 99
595|613 10.971
92 is half of 99
600|607 10.083
92 is half of 99
602|611 10.971
92 is half of 99
505|643 10.971
92 is half of 99
603|603 10.971
92 is half of 99
598|611 10.971
92 is half of 99
594|610 10.971
92 is half of 99
597|610 11.321
92 is half of 99
603|607 9.890
92 is half of 99
600|610 10.971
92 is half of 99
591|615 10.971
92 is half of 99
598|607 10.971
92 is half of 99
600|605 10.971
92 is half of 99
503|650 10.966
92 is half of 99
599|606 10.971
Display all leftover 428 villages
Personal text
flag farm 100100

carrying The Architect

Reesc33 woz ere 2k24 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 139 with your tribe Adolfsbergsskolan.

Daily achievements
4x Great power of the day

Conquer the most villages in this world.

Best result: on 15.05.2024 (44 villages)

1x Supporter of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as a supporter.

Best result: on 19.07.2024 (273.092 units)

Combat achievements
Master of the Battlefield (Bronze - Level 2)

Completely destroy 250 hostile armies.

The Warlord (Bronze - Level 2)

Attack 25 different players

Stronghold crusher (Wood - Level 1)

Reduce the level of a Stronghold 10 times

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)

Make a total of 15 friendships.

Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

Growth achievements
Continent scorer (Gold - Level 4)

Make it into the top 1 of a continent!

Wealth comes in gold (Gold - Level 4)

Mint 50.000 gold coins.

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Top scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 20 in the world.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 5)

Play Tribal Wars for 5 years.

Bigger and better (Gold - Level 4)

Upgrade your tribe's stronghold to level 10.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Gold - Level 4)

Clear 100% of the stages.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 180.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Achievements on other worlds
World 137

Casual 15

World 138

World 141