Map Ranking

Farming Buddies

Tribe name:Farming Buddies
Tag:~F B~
Number of members:12
Points of the best 30 players275.519
Total points:275.519
Average points:22.960
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 10.007.095 (25.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
SwordsNSpears 1 124,964 242 15
Grumpy old Turtle 2 87,878 261 11
Prairie 3 30,713 367 3
narvids 4 10,074 525 1
konkan 5 6,496 591 2
Replikate 6 4,765 649 1
Bramo9 7 3,900 687 1
baccc 8 2,413 782 3
Haroo 9 1,400 902 1
idjustme 10 1,172 940 1
Hermit 11 932 977 1
KoeraMonster 12 812 1008 1
~F B~ is a place for a few fiends to hang out while PP farming.
We are NOT here to FIGHT and WIN... so don't apply if you want to fight!
