Map Ranking

all slaves work for us

Tribe name:all slaves work for us
Number of members:11
Points of the best 30 players219.132
Total points:219.132
Average points:19.921
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 14.068.744 (19.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Dustius 1 56,081 328 18
King Darling 2 53,511 335 6
Clint Parker 3 53,498 336 9
pupix03 (the one drinking) 4 23,064 445 6
Ukdevil 5 20,649 455 4
VallyLili 6 4,771 735 1
Reaper1991 7 3,772 789 2
Winchester 8 1,292 1030 1
Queen Beothuk 9 1,248 1042 1
dowhomer 10 883 1131 1
Rian0302 11 363 1303 1
JAIL was founded by pupix03.

"our gates are always open, only prisoners can't pass"

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.