Map Ranking


Tribe name:Bodyguard
Number of members:22
Points of the best 30 players865.601
Total points:865.601
Average points:39.346
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 3.798.075 (50.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
joni0528 1 149,593 231 21
vallarrion 2 148,987 232 25
jupp 3 119,844 246 28
Farmington5 4 113,816 248 15
Nicoow 93 5 57,100 300 10
tmp995 6 55,064 310 10
StrassenHund 7 36,831 352 7
mkorucu 8 28,637 374 7
drsik2 (Baron) 9 21,720 408 4
Gtalker34 10 20,500 417 4
Crypton 11 20,525 418 5
ZhenDo 12 19,432 434 9
RAF2004 13 16,607 448 5
JessieVania 14 14,583 464 6
BlckXT123 15 9,201 547 2
edprokofiev 16 8,377 556 1
nicknack1717 17 6,460 594 2
Majunico 18 5,792 620 1
TheProSoup 19 5,267 637 2
getitfred 20 3,680 696 2
Kitchen 21 2,817 747 1
KnutValentine 22 768 1021 1
BGD was founded by Farmington5. If you have questions please contact Farmington5.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.